【1】 Vajji
【2】 Sakya
【3】 Vaṃsa
【4】 Kāsi
【5】 Malla
【6】 Aṅga
【7】 Āḷavī
【8】 Kuru
【9】 Sūrasena
【10】 Ceti
【11】 Pañcāla
【12】 Avanti
【13】 Ch. Sumaguo 蘇摩国
【14】 Assaka and Bharu
【15】 Gandhāra and surrounding areas (Pokkharavatī and Sāgala)
【16】 Uttarāpatha (the Northern Road) Route for religious itinerants
【17】 Kajaṅgalā and Puṇṇavadhana (Ch. Manfucheng)
【18】 Himavant
【19】 Places whose location is unverified
【5】 Malla
【7】 Āḷavī The country of Āḷavī (Supplementary Note 7).
【8】 Kuru
【9】 Sūrasena
【10】 Ceti
【11】 Pañcāla
【12】 Avanti
【14】 Assaka and Bharu
【15】 Gandhāra and surrounding areas (Pokkharavatī and Sāgala)
【16】 Uttarāpatha (the Northern Road) Route for religious itinerants
【17】 Kajaṅgalā and Puṇṇavadhana (Ch. Manfucheng)
【18】 Himavant
【Supplement 1. 】Magadha
【Supplementary Notes】
【2】 Sakya
【3】 Vaṃsa
【4】 Kāsi
【5】 Malla
【6】 Aṅga
【7】 Āḷavī
【8】 Kuru
【9】 Sūrasena
【10】 Ceti
【11】 Pañcāla
【12】 Avanti
【13】 Ch. Sumaguo 蘇摩国
【14】 Assaka and Bharu
【15】 Gandhāra and surrounding areas (Pokkharavatī and Sāgala)
【16】 Uttarāpatha (the Northern Road) Route for religious itinerants
【17】 Kajaṅgalā and Puṇṇavadhana (Ch. Manfucheng)
【18】 Himavant
【19】 Places whose location is unverified
Supplement 1. Magadha
Supplement 2. Kosala
Supplementary notes
Supplement 2. Kosala
Supplementary notes
(I) Vajji: Vṛji, Baqiguo 跋耆国, Baqiguo
跋祇国, Yueqiguo 越祇国, Poduguo婆闍国, Jingangguo 金剛国, Folishiguo 仏栗氏国,
Yuexieguo 越耶国, Baqiguo 抜耆国, Baqikuojie 拔祇国界, Baqicheng 拔祇城, Baqi 跋耆,
Baqi 跋祇, Yueqi 越祇
(II) Vesālī and its
(1) Towns
(i) Vesālī: Vaiśālī, Pisheliguo 毘舎離国,
Pixieliguo 毘耶離国, Weixieliguo 維耶離国, Weixieliguo 維耶梨国, Pisheliguo 鞞舎離国,
Pishelicheng 毘舎離城, Pixielicheng 毘耶離城, Weixielicheng 維耶離城,Pishelicheng
鞞舎離城, Xueshelicheng 薜舎離城, Guangyancheng 広厳城, Pisheli 毘舎離, Pixieli 毘耶離,
Weixieli 維耶離, Pisheli 鞞舎離, Xuesheli 薜舎離, Bisheli 比舎離, Xuelizhi 薜利支. The
route between Rājagaha and Vesālī (addhānamaggapaṭipanna), including
the part between the Rājagaha and Vesālī.
(ii) Within Vesālī: the ārāma of Saccaka, the son of a Nigaṇṭha, the house of Saccaka, the son of a Nigaṇṭha, the dwelling (nivesana) of the general Sīha, the dwelling of the householder Ugga, the dwelling of the courtesan Ambapālī (Ch. Anpoboli 菴婆波利, Anpopoli 菴婆婆梨, Anpopoli 闇婆婆利, Anmolonu 菴没羅女, Anlonu 菴羅女, Nainu 㮈女, Nainu 奈女, the dwelling of the - gaṇikā, the dwelling of the kammakāra, the bhaktābhisāra of Āmrapālī, the house of Yongjian zhangzhe 勇健長者, the house of Pilo xianzhang 毘羅先長 , the temple Gaotaissu 高台寺, the discussion hall.
(iii) Outside the city gate, the forest area to the north-west of the city: looking out over Vesālī, the suburbs (sāmantaka) of Vaiśālī, looking towards Kotigāma 拘利邑 from the city gate of Vesālī, when leaving the country of Vesālī going towards Kotigāma, going towards the village of Zhonghuan 重患村 via Vesālī.
(iv) The forest (vanasaṇḍa) to the west of the city: in the wood outside the boundary of Vesālī (aññatara vanasaṇḍa), the wide plain (mound)
(ii) Within Vesālī: the ārāma of Saccaka, the son of a Nigaṇṭha, the house of Saccaka, the son of a Nigaṇṭha, the dwelling (nivesana) of the general Sīha, the dwelling of the householder Ugga, the dwelling of the courtesan Ambapālī (Ch. Anpoboli 菴婆波利, Anpopoli 菴婆婆梨, Anpopoli 闇婆婆利, Anmolonu 菴没羅女, Anlonu 菴羅女, Nainu 㮈女, Nainu 奈女, the dwelling of the - gaṇikā, the dwelling of the kammakāra, the bhaktābhisāra of Āmrapālī, the house of Yongjian zhangzhe 勇健長者, the house of Pilo xianzhang 毘羅先長 , the temple Gaotaissu 高台寺, the discussion hall.
(iii) Outside the city gate, the forest area to the north-west of the city: looking out over Vesālī, the suburbs (sāmantaka) of Vaiśālī, looking towards Kotigāma 拘利邑 from the city gate of Vesālī, when leaving the country of Vesālī going towards Kotigāma, going towards the village of Zhonghuan 重患村 via Vesālī.
(iv) The forest (vanasaṇḍa) to the west of the city: in the wood outside the boundary of Vesālī (aññatara vanasaṇḍa), the wide plain (mound)
(2) Vihāras, parks
(i) The Kutagara monastery in the
Great Forest, Mahāvana Kūṭāgārasālā: Markaṭahadatīra Kūṭāgāraśālā,
Dalin zhongge jiangtang 大林重閣講堂, Dalinzhong zhongge jiangtang 大林中重閣講堂,
Dalin zhongge jingshe 大林重閣精舎, Dalin jingshe 大林精舎, Mihouchize zhongge
jiangtang 獼猴池側重閣講堂, Mihouchibian zhongge jiangtang 獼猴池辺重閣講堂, Mihouchize
gaogetang 獼猴池側高閣堂, Mihouchize zhonggetang 獼猴池側重閣堂, Mihouchize jifatang
獼猴池側集法堂, Mihouchi louge jingshe 獼猴池楼閣精舎, Mihoujiangbian zhongge
jiangtang 獼猴江辺重閣講堂, Mihoujiangbian louge jiangtang 獼猴江辺楼閣講堂,
Mihoujiangbian gaoge jiangtang 獼猴江辺高閤講, Mihoujiangbian jiangtang
獼猴江辺講堂, Mihouhebian louge jiangtang 獼猴河辺重閣講堂, Mihoujiangze gaoge
jiangtang 獼猴江側高閣講堂, Mihoujiangze lougetang 獼猴江側楼閣堂, Mihoujiangze
lougeshe 獼猴江側楼閣舎, Mihoushuibian gaolou taiguan 獼猴水辺高楼台観, Mihou bian
dajiangtang 獼猴彼岸大講堂, Mihou beian dajiangtang 獼猴陂岸大講堂, Mihoubian jingshe
獼猴彼岸精舎, Zhongge jiangtang 重閣講堂, including Zhonggetang 重閣堂, Gaogetang
高閣堂, Lougeshe 楼閣舎, Mihouguan 獼猴館.
Mahāvana, the Great Forest, beside the pond of Monkey, under the tree, the fragrant tower (香塔), Upaṭṭhānasālā, Upasthānaśālā, the lecture hall (jiangtang 講堂, puhui jiangtang 普会講堂, daji jiangtang 大集講堂, dajitang 大集堂, dahuitang 大会堂).
(ii) Ambapālivana, Āmrapālivana. Grove of Ambapālī. Anpopoliyuan 菴婆婆梨園, Anpoluoyuan 菴婆羅園, Anmoluolin 菴没羅林, Anpopoliyuan 闇婆婆利園, Anluoyuanlin 菴羅園林, Anluoyuan 菴羅園, Anluolin 菴羅林, Naishiyuan 㮈氏園, Naishi shuyuan 㮈氏樹園, Naiyuan 㮈園, Yinnu naishiyuan 淫女奈氏園, Nainuyuan 奈女園, Naiyuan 奈園.
saka ārāma
(iii) Jīvakambavana: ambavana of Jīvaka Komārabhacca
(iv) Shadui sengqie 沙堆僧伽藍.
(v) Ekapuṇḍarīka paribbājakārāma.
Mahāvana, the Great Forest, beside the pond of Monkey, under the tree, the fragrant tower (香塔), Upaṭṭhānasālā, Upasthānaśālā, the lecture hall (jiangtang 講堂, puhui jiangtang 普会講堂, daji jiangtang 大集講堂, dajitang 大集堂, dahuitang 大会堂).
(ii) Ambapālivana, Āmrapālivana. Grove of Ambapālī. Anpopoliyuan 菴婆婆梨園, Anpoluoyuan 菴婆羅園, Anmoluolin 菴没羅林, Anpopoliyuan 闇婆婆利園, Anluoyuanlin 菴羅園林, Anluoyuan 菴羅園, Anluolin 菴羅林, Naishiyuan 㮈氏園, Naishi shuyuan 㮈氏樹園, Naiyuan 㮈園, Yinnu naishiyuan 淫女奈氏園, Nainuyuan 奈女園, Naiyuan 奈園.
saka ārāma
(iii) Jīvakambavana: ambavana of Jīvaka Komārabhacca
(iv) Shadui sengqie 沙堆僧伽藍.
(v) Ekapuṇḍarīka paribbājakārāma.
(3) Shrines
(i) Cāpāla-cetiya: Cāpāla-caitya,
Zhepoluota 遮婆羅塔, Bozheluota 鉢遮羅塔, Qugong zhidi 取弓制底, Zheboluo zhiti
遮波羅支提. Also, the sacred place, under the sacred tree, the quiet place.
(ii) Gotamaka-cetiya
(iii) Sārandada-cetiya
(III) Settlements and rivers in Vajji
(ii) Gotamaka-cetiya
(iii) Sārandada-cetiya
(III) Settlements and rivers in Vajji
(III)Settlements and rivers in the
(1) Settlements, towns
(i) Koṭigāma: Kuṭigrāmaka, Goulicun
拘利村, Gouliyi 拘利邑, Quchajuluo 屈茶聚落, Juzhijuluo 倶胝聚落, Goulinju 拘隣聚,
Xiaoshecun 小舎村. Including śiṃśapāvana, a grove north of the village,
Shengshe linshu 勝摂林樹 to the north, Shengshe bolin 升摂波林 to the north,
under a tree in the grove north of the city, inside a grove.
(ii) Nādikā(Nātika, Jātika): Nādikā, Nadijia guo 那提迦国, Xiyu guo 喜豫国, Namajiashou 那摩提痩, Nalicheng 那提城, Nalijia juluo 那梨迦聚落, Nadejia juluo 那地迦聚落, Nazhijia juluo 那雉迦聚落, Nadijis juluo 那提迦聚落, Nali juluo 那梨聚落, Naluo juluo 那羅聚落, Fanwei juluo 販葦聚落, Xiyu ju 喜豫聚, Xiyu yi 喜豫邑, Natuo cun 那陀村, Namajia 那摩提, Najia 那提. Including Giñjakāvasatha, Kuñjikāvasatha: Jinni jingshe 揵尼精舎, Jinqi jingshe 揵祁精舎, Heshijia jingshe 盍寔迦精舎, Shengu jingshe 深谷精舎, Qugu jingshe 曲谷精舎, Qunshijiatang 群氏迦堂, Jinzhi zhuchu 揵稚住処, Jinchuichu 揵椎処, Qunshijia suozhuchu 群寔迦所住処, Daibinshe 待賓舎, under the tree at Jinqi 揵祇, Xiangsai lin 相思林, grove outside the village.
(iii) Beluvagāmaka, Veṇugrāmaka: Zhulin juluo 竹林聚落, Zhulin cong 竹林叢, Bamboo Grove, Zhufang yi 竹芳邑, Zhufang ju 竹芳聚. Including Shengnie bolin 升攝波林 north of Zhulin juluo 竹林聚落, Shengnie boshulin 昇攝波樹林 north of Zhulin juluo 竹林聚落, the house of the Brahman Pishatuoye 毘沙陀耶婆羅門, the meeting hall.
(iv) Bhaṇḍagāma: Chonghuan cun 重患村, Jincha cun 揵荼村, Gancha cun 乾荼村, Jinchi yi 健持邑, Jinli ju 揵梨聚. Including the grove north of Gancha 乾荼 village, the Shengnie bolin 升攝波林 of Chonghuan village 重患村.
(v) Kuṣṭhagrāmaka. Including the śiṃśapāvana north of Kuṣṭhagrāmaka.
(vi) Anpoluo cun 菴婆羅村: Yanman ju 掩満聚. Including the mountain grove.
(vii) Yanfu cun 閻浮村: Jinju 金聚.
(viii) Hatthigāma: Xiang juluo 象聚落 /Shoushou ju 授手聚.
(ix) Huashi ju 華氏聚.
(x) Bhoganagara, Bhoganagaraka: Fumi cheng 負彌城, Shouying cheng 受用城, Fuyan cheng 夫延城, Fuyan yi 夫延邑, Shanga cun 善伽村. Including Ānanda-cetiya, the śiṃśapāvana north of the city, the northern forest of Shouyin cheng, Shishepolin 尸舎婆林, under the tree in the grove north of the city.
(xi) Ukkacelā: Yugazhiluo 郁伽支羅, Yougashe 優伽賒. Including, near Gaṅgā nadī, the bank of the Hengshuichi 恒水池.
(xii) Jiusuo cun 鳩娑村. Including the house of the Brahman Fuboyodi 弗波育帝婆羅門.
(xiii) Baqi juluo 跋耆聚落. Including Yuede cheng 曰地城.
(xiv) Anuyi 阿奴夷: Anubodoucheng 阿奴波都城.
(ii) Nādikā(Nātika, Jātika): Nādikā, Nadijia guo 那提迦国, Xiyu guo 喜豫国, Namajiashou 那摩提痩, Nalicheng 那提城, Nalijia juluo 那梨迦聚落, Nadejia juluo 那地迦聚落, Nazhijia juluo 那雉迦聚落, Nadijis juluo 那提迦聚落, Nali juluo 那梨聚落, Naluo juluo 那羅聚落, Fanwei juluo 販葦聚落, Xiyu ju 喜豫聚, Xiyu yi 喜豫邑, Natuo cun 那陀村, Namajia 那摩提, Najia 那提. Including Giñjakāvasatha, Kuñjikāvasatha: Jinni jingshe 揵尼精舎, Jinqi jingshe 揵祁精舎, Heshijia jingshe 盍寔迦精舎, Shengu jingshe 深谷精舎, Qugu jingshe 曲谷精舎, Qunshijiatang 群氏迦堂, Jinzhi zhuchu 揵稚住処, Jinchuichu 揵椎処, Qunshijia suozhuchu 群寔迦所住処, Daibinshe 待賓舎, under the tree at Jinqi 揵祇, Xiangsai lin 相思林, grove outside the village.
(iii) Beluvagāmaka, Veṇugrāmaka: Zhulin juluo 竹林聚落, Zhulin cong 竹林叢, Bamboo Grove, Zhufang yi 竹芳邑, Zhufang ju 竹芳聚. Including Shengnie bolin 升攝波林 north of Zhulin juluo 竹林聚落, Shengnie boshulin 昇攝波樹林 north of Zhulin juluo 竹林聚落, the house of the Brahman Pishatuoye 毘沙陀耶婆羅門, the meeting hall.
(iv) Bhaṇḍagāma: Chonghuan cun 重患村, Jincha cun 揵荼村, Gancha cun 乾荼村, Jinchi yi 健持邑, Jinli ju 揵梨聚. Including the grove north of Gancha 乾荼 village, the Shengnie bolin 升攝波林 of Chonghuan village 重患村.
(v) Kuṣṭhagrāmaka. Including the śiṃśapāvana north of Kuṣṭhagrāmaka.
(vi) Anpoluo cun 菴婆羅村: Yanman ju 掩満聚. Including the mountain grove.
(vii) Yanfu cun 閻浮村: Jinju 金聚.
(viii) Hatthigāma: Xiang juluo 象聚落 /Shoushou ju 授手聚.
(ix) Huashi ju 華氏聚.
(x) Bhoganagara, Bhoganagaraka: Fumi cheng 負彌城, Shouying cheng 受用城, Fuyan cheng 夫延城, Fuyan yi 夫延邑, Shanga cun 善伽村. Including Ānanda-cetiya, the śiṃśapāvana north of the city, the northern forest of Shouyin cheng, Shishepolin 尸舎婆林, under the tree in the grove north of the city.
(xi) Ukkacelā: Yugazhiluo 郁伽支羅, Yougashe 優伽賒. Including, near Gaṅgā nadī, the bank of the Hengshuichi 恒水池.
(xii) Jiusuo cun 鳩娑村. Including the house of the Brahman Fuboyodi 弗波育帝婆羅門.
(xiii) Baqi juluo 跋耆聚落. Including Yuede cheng 曰地城.
(xiv) Anuyi 阿奴夷: Anubodoucheng 阿奴波都城.
(2) Rivers
(i) Vaggumudā nadī: Poqiumo he 婆求末河,
Baqiuma he 跋求摩河, Poqiu he 婆裘河, Shenghui he 勝慧河. Including the Sala
grove 薩羅梨林 beside the Baqiuma river 跋求摩河 in the village of Jingang
金剛聚落. The Dazhelin 大柘林 beside the Shenghui 勝慧 river at Guangyan cheng
広厳城. The Sala grove 娑羅雉林 beside the Shenghui 勝慧 river.
(ii) Henghe 恒河: Jiangga he 弶伽河.
(iii) Ayiluo he 阿夷羅河: Auiluode he 阿夷羅帝河.
(ii) Henghe 恒河: Jiangga he 弶伽河.
(iii) Ayiluo he 阿夷羅河: Auiluode he 阿夷羅帝河.
(3) Parks
(i) Gosiṅgasālavanadāya: Niujiao
suoluolin 牛角娑羅林, Niushizi yuan 牛師子園, Shiziyuan 師子園.
In the vicinity of Yewu 葉屋.
In the vicinity of Yewu 葉屋.
(IV) Videha (Supplement 1):
Pidihe guo
毘提訶国, Beituodi guo 鞞陀提国, Shengshen cheng 勝身城.
(V) Mithilā and its environs
(V) Mithilā and its environs
(1) Towns
(i) Mithilā: Michiluo guo 彌絺羅国, Miluo
cheng 蜜羅城, Mitiluoju 彌替羅聚, Michiluo 彌絺羅, Misaluo 彌薩羅, Mitoluo 彌替羅.
Including Makhādevambavana, Datiannarin 大天㮈林, Mohedipolin 莫訶提婆林, Datianyuan 大天園, Anluoyuan 菴羅園, Anpoluoyuan 菴婆羅園.
(ii) Inside the city. Including the residence (nivesana) of the Brahman Brahmāyu.
Including Makhādevambavana, Datiannarin 大天㮈林, Mohedipolin 莫訶提婆林, Datianyuan 大天園, Anluoyuan 菴羅園, Anpoluoyuan 菴婆羅園.
(ii) Inside the city. Including the residence (nivesana) of the Brahman Brahmāyu.
(I) Country of the Sakyas: Sakka/
Śākya, Shiga guo 釈迦国, Shishi guo 釈氏国, Shichisou guo 釈翅捜国, Shiji 釈羇,
Shiga chu 釈迦処, Shiga zhuchu 釈迦住処, Shi zhong
釈中, Shishi 釈氏, Shichi 釈翅, Sheyi 舎夷.
(II) Kapilavatthu and its environs
釈中, Shishi 釈氏, Shichi 釈翅, Sheyi 舎夷.
(II) Kapilavatthu and its environs
(1) Towns and cities
(i) Kapilavatthu, Kapilavastu:
Jiapiluowei cheng 迦毘羅衛城, Jiapiluopo cheng 迦毘羅婆城, Jiaweilupwei cheng
迦維羅衛城, Jiapilupoyue cheng 迦毘羅越城, Jiebiluocheng 劫比羅城, Jiebiluofasudi
cheng 劫比羅伐窣覩城, Jiapiluowei guo 迦毘羅衛国, Jiapiluppo guo 迦毘羅婆国,
Jiaweiluower guo 迦維羅衛国, Jialuowei guo 迦羅衛国, Jiapilup guo 迦毘羅国,
Jiapiluwei 迦毘羅衛, Jiapiluoyue 迦毘羅越, Jiabeiluowei 加鞞羅衛, Jiaweiluowei
迦維羅衛, Jiaweilupwei 加維羅衛, Jiawei 迦維. Including Kapilavatthu nidānaṃ.
(ii) Inside the city.
Including Assama of Bharaṇḍu Kālāma, residence (nivesana) of Suddhodana, residence (nivesana) of Kāḷigodhā, house of Maanan 摩呵男, the new meeting hall (nava santhāgāra), Xinjiangtang 新講堂, city gate, palace.
(ii) Inside the city.
Including Assama of Bharaṇḍu Kālāma, residence (nivesana) of Suddhodana, residence (nivesana) of Kāḷigodhā, house of Maanan 摩呵男, the new meeting hall (nava santhāgāra), Xinjiangtang 新講堂, city gate, palace.
(2) Vihāras, parks
(i) Nigrodhārāma, Nyagrodhārāma:
Nigoulü shuyuan 尼拘律樹園, Nigoulei
shuyuan 尼拘類樹園, Nigoulü yuan 尼拘律園, Nigoulei yuan 尼拘類園, Nigouliu yuan
尼拘留園, Nigoulü yuan 尼拘屡園, Nigoulütuo yuan 尼倶律陀園, Nijutuo yuanlin 尼倶陀園林,
Nijulü yuan 尼倶律園, Nijulü shuyuan 尼倶律樹園, Nigouloutuo yuan 尼拘婁陀園, Nijutuo
yuan 尼瞿陀園, Nishutuo lin 尼瞿陀林, Nigiutuo lin 尼拘陀林, Shishi Nigoulü shuyuan
釈氏尼倶律樹園. Also, Duogen shuyuan 多根樹園, Nigoulüshu Shishi jingshe 尼拘律樹釈氏精舎,
Shishi nigoulüshu jingshe 釈氏尼拘律樹精舎, Shishi jingshe 釈氏精舎, upaṭṭhānasālā
(meeting hall), jiangtang 講堂, under the trees of Nikouleo 尼拘類.
(ii) Kāḷakhemaka vihāra: Jialuochamashi jingshe 加羅差摩釋精舎.
(iii) Ghaṭāya vihāra: Jialuoshi jingshe 加羅釋精舎.
(iv) Mahāvana, the Great Forest, Dalin 大林.
Including beluva-laṭṭhikā mūla, under a tree in the Great Forest inside the Sakya temple in the Bamboo Grove, under the tree in Piluoyezhiju 毘羅耶致聚, Jiapilupweilin 迦毘羅衛林, Jiaweilin 迦維林.
(v) Saluyuan 薩盧園.
(ii) Kāḷakhemaka vihāra: Jialuochamashi jingshe 加羅差摩釋精舎.
(iii) Ghaṭāya vihāra: Jialuoshi jingshe 加羅釋精舎.
(iv) Mahāvana, the Great Forest, Dalin 大林.
Including beluva-laṭṭhikā mūla, under a tree in the Great Forest inside the Sakya temple in the Bamboo Grove, under the tree in Piluoyezhiju 毘羅耶致聚, Jiapilupweilin 迦毘羅衛林, Jiaweilin 迦維林.
(v) Saluyuan 薩盧園.
(III) Other areas associated with the
(1) Cities
(i) Silāvatī: Danzhu Shishi juluo
(ii) Pishunaluo cheng 毘輸那羅城.
(ii) Pishunaluo cheng 毘輸那羅城.
(2) Towns and villages
(i) Medaḷumpa: Lutang cun 鹿堂村, Milouli
彌婁離, Michengliuli yi 彌城留利邑.
Including the meeting hall.
(ii) Nagaraka: Douyi 都邑, Yimingcheng 邑名城.
(iii) Khomadussa
(iv) Cātumā: Shichi cun 釋翅村. Including Āmalakīvana, Shichi anpoli guoyuan 釋翅闇婆梨果園.
(v) Sāmagāma, Sāmagāmaka: Shemi cun 舎彌村. Including Pokkharaṇiyā, the Shishe grove 尸摂林 north of Shemi 舎彌 village.
(vi) Vedhaññā: Mianqi 緬祇. Including the pāsāda (storied tower) of ambavana, the Youposai grove 優婆塞林 of the Sakyas, the park of Mianqi.
(vii) Fanweiren juluo 販葦人聚落.
(viii) Jiuluopidasi juluo 鳩羅脾大斯聚落.Including Youluoweinada 優羅提那塔.
(ix) Juna juluo 倶那聚落.
(x) Lide cun 犁地村.
(xi) Xiyu juluo 洗浴聚落.
(xii) Jiamaluo 迦摩羅, Jiamaluo guo 迦摩羅国.
Including the meeting hall.
(ii) Nagaraka: Douyi 都邑, Yimingcheng 邑名城.
(iii) Khomadussa
(iv) Cātumā: Shichi cun 釋翅村. Including Āmalakīvana, Shichi anpoli guoyuan 釋翅闇婆梨果園.
(v) Sāmagāma, Sāmagāmaka: Shemi cun 舎彌村. Including Pokkharaṇiyā, the Shishe grove 尸摂林 north of Shemi 舎彌 village.
(vi) Vedhaññā: Mianqi 緬祇. Including the pāsāda (storied tower) of ambavana, the Youposai grove 優婆塞林 of the Sakyas, the park of Mianqi.
(vii) Fanweiren juluo 販葦人聚落.
(viii) Jiuluopidasi juluo 鳩羅脾大斯聚落.Including Youluoweinada 優羅提那塔.
(ix) Juna juluo 倶那聚落.
(x) Lide cun 犁地村.
(xi) Xiyu juluo 洗浴聚落.
(xii) Jiamaluo 迦摩羅, Jiamaluo guo 迦摩羅国.
(3) Parks and Groves
(i) Lanpini yuan 嵐毘尼園.
(IV) Koliya (Supplementary
2), Koḷiya, Gouli 拘麗, Qiaochi 橋池.
(1) Cities
(i) Kuṇḍikā. Including Kuṇḍadhānavana
(2) Towns, villages
(i) Devadaha: Tianyi 天邑, Tianxian
juluo 天現聚落, Tianzhi cheng 天指城.
(ii) Haliddavasana: Huangzhenyi 黄枕邑.
(iii) Kakkarapatta
(iv) Sajjanela. Including the residence (nivesana) of Suppavāsā.
(v) Sāpūga, Potou juluo 婆頭聚落. Including the Shenshu grove 身恕林 in the north.
(vi) Uttara, the North Village. Including the Shiniehe grove 尸攝和林 in the north.
(ii) Haliddavasana: Huangzhenyi 黄枕邑.
(iii) Kakkarapatta
(iv) Sajjanela. Including the residence (nivesana) of Suppavāsā.
(v) Sāpūga, Potou juluo 婆頭聚落. Including the Shenshu grove 身恕林 in the north.
(vi) Uttara, the North Village. Including the Shiniehe grove 尸攝和林 in the north.
(I) The country of Vaṃsa, Pocuo 婆蹉.
(II). Kosambī and its environs
(II). Kosambī and its environs
(1) Cities
(i) Kosambī, Kauśāmbī: Jushemi cheng
倶舎彌城, Gousjemi cheng 拘舎彌城, Goushen
cheng 拘深城, Jiaoshanpi cheng 憍閃毘城, Jiaoshangmi guo 憍賞彌国, Goushemi guo
拘舎彌国, Jushemi guo 倶舎彌国, Goushanpi guo 拘睒毘国, Jushanmi guo 倶睒彌国,
Goushanmi guo 拘睒彌国, Goushanmi guojie 拘睒彌国界, Jiaoshanpi guo 憍閃毘国,
Jiaoshangmi 憍賞彌, Jushemi 倶舎彌, Goushanmi 拘睒彌, Goushanpi 拘睒毘, Jiaoshanpi
憍閃毘, Goushen 拘深. Including Yuanzaijiaoshanpi 縁在憍閃毘.
(2) Villages
(i) Bālakaloṇakāragāma: Poluolouluo
juluo 婆羅樓羅聚落.
(ii) Dipo juluo 提婆聚落.
(ii) Dipo juluo 提婆聚落.
(3) Parks, groves and rivers
(i) Ghositārāma: Jushiluo yuan 瞿師羅園,
Jushaluo yuan 瞿沙羅園, Jushi yuan
瞿師園, Miaoyin yuan 妙音園. Including Xianlin 閑林, Yuanchu tongqian 縁処同前.
(ii) Badarikārāma: Poqiluo sengfang 婆耆羅僧坊, Batuoli yuan 跋陀梨園.
(iii) Siṃsapāvana
(iv) Gaṅgā nadī
(ii) Badarikārāma: Poqiluo sengfang 婆耆羅僧坊, Batuoli yuan 跋陀梨園.
(iii) Siṃsapāvana
(iv) Gaṅgā nadī
(III) Bhagga (Supplementary
Notes 3):
Poshiguo 婆祇国, Bogaguo 波伽国,
Bashiguo 抜祇国, Poji 婆奇, Boji 波奇, Poqi 婆耆.
(IV) Bhagga and its environs
(1) Cities
(i) Suṁsumāragira, Śuśumāragira:
Shishoumaluoshan 尸収摩羅山,
Sheshoupoluoshan 設首婆羅山, Shishoumaluoshan 失収摩羅山, Shishoumaluoshan 室収摩羅山,
Jiangzhushan 江猪山, Shishouluo 失守羅, Yishan 囈山. Including Bhesakalāvana
migadāya, Kongweilin luyeyuan 恐畏林鹿野苑, Kongweilin luyuan 恐畏林鹿園, Bulin
luyeyuan 怖林鹿野園, Kingweizhichushi lulin 恐畏之処施鹿林, Guilin luyuan 鬼林鹿園,
Pishilanmi galan 毘師藍蜜伽藍, Luyeshenlin 鹿野深林, meeting hall.
(2) Buildings
(i) Kokanada palace (pāsāda):
Jiumaluotang 鳩摩羅堂, Diaominglou 鳥鳴楼,
Miaohualou 妙花楼. Including The new palace of Prince Bodhi, the residence
(nivesana) of Nakulapitā, the house of Prince Bodhi.
(I) The country of Kāsi: Kāśī,
Jiashiguo 迦尸国, Dimiaoguo 荻苗国, Jiaoshi 迦尸.
(II) Bārāṇasī and its environs
(II) Bārāṇasī and its environs
(1) City
Bārāṇasī, Vārāṇasī: Boluona cheng 波羅奈城, Boluona cheng 波羅㮈城, Boluona
cheng 波羅柰城, Boluoniesi cheng 波羅痆斯城, Boluo cheng 婆羅城, Boluona guo 波羅奈国,
Boluona guo 波羅㮈国, Boluona 波羅奈, Boluoniesi 波羅痆斯, Boluonie 波羅㮈. Including
under a tree in the grove (vanasaṇḍa).
(ii) Inside the city
Residence (nivesana) of Yasa, residence (nivesana) of Suppiya, residence of Xubei 須卑, residence of Mahesina 摩訶斯那, residence of Dajun changzhe 大軍長者, near Goyogapilakkha, in front of the city gate, in the park, under a tree beside the road, next to the Tianci 天祠.
Residence (nivesana) of Yasa, residence (nivesana) of Suppiya, residence of Xubei 須卑, residence of Mahesina 摩訶斯那, residence of Dajun changzhe 大軍長者, near Goyogapilakkha, in front of the city gate, in the park, under a tree beside the road, next to the Tianci 天祠.
(iii) Outside the walls
On the way to the Brahman town of Bārāṇasī.
On the way to the Brahman town of Bārāṇasī.
(2) Parks and groves
(i) Isipatana migadāya, Ṛṣivadana
mṛgadāva, the Deer Park: Xianren
zhuchu luyeyuan 仙人住処鹿野苑, Xianren zhuchu luyeyuan 仙人住処鹿野園, Xianren
duoshi lulin 仙人堕処施鹿林, Luyeyuan zhong xianren zhuchu 鹿野苑中仙人住処, Xuanren
luyeyuan 仙人鹿野苑, Guxuanren zhuchu luyeyuan 古仙人住処鹿野苑, Xuanren luyuan
仙人鹿苑, Luyeyuan 鹿野苑, Luyeyuan 鹿野園. Including Bārāṇasiyaṃ nidānaṃ
migadāye, Bārāṇasi-nidānaṃ, meeting hall, beside the Poluo river 婆羅河,
near the Puluo river 婆羅水.
(ii) Khemiyambavana
(ii) Khemiyambavana
(III) Cities, villages and mountains in
(1) Cities, villages
(i) Macchikāsaṇḍa.
Including Ambaṭakavana: Anpo julou anluolin 菴羅聚落菴羅林, Anluo juluo anluolin jingshe 菴羅聚落菴羅林精舎, Anluolin 菴羅林.
(ii) Kiṭāgiri: Zhizhashan 枳吒山, Qiluoqilie yi 訖羅訖列邑, Qilida yi 耆利大邑, Lianguo 連国, Jialuolai 迦羅頼.
Including the Beicun shiniehelin 北村尸攝和林 of Jialuolai 迦羅頼.
(iii) Zhounachiluoguo 周那絺羅国, Suppplementary note 4.
Including Ambaṭakavana: Anpo julou anluolin 菴羅聚落菴羅林, Anluo juluo anluolin jingshe 菴羅聚落菴羅林精舎, Anluolin 菴羅林.
(ii) Kiṭāgiri: Zhizhashan 枳吒山, Qiluoqilie yi 訖羅訖列邑, Qilida yi 耆利大邑, Lianguo 連国, Jialuolai 迦羅頼.
Including the Beicun shiniehelin 北村尸攝和林 of Jialuolai 迦羅頼.
(iii) Zhounachiluoguo 周那絺羅国, Suppplementary note 4.
(2) Mountain
Jialuoshan 迦羅山.
【5】 Malla
(I) Malla: Moluo 末羅, Maluo 摩羅,
Zhuangshi 壮士, Lishi 力士, Lishi renjian
力士人間, Lishi juluo 力士聚落, Molao cunyi 末牢村邑.
(II) Pāvā and its environs
(II) Pāvā and its environs
(1) City
(i) Pāvā, Pāpāgrāmaka: Bopoguo 波婆国,
Boxuncheng 波旬国, Bopocheng 波婆城,
Bobocheng 波波城, Boxunyi 波旬邑, Boboyi 波波邑, Bobo juluo 波波聚落, Boxun 波旬.
Including Bicheng 彼城.
(ii) Inside the city
The new meeting hall (nava santhāgāra) of Ubbhataka, the residence (nivesana) of Cunda kammāraputta, the house of Cunda (Chuntuo 淳陀, Zhuntuo 准陀, Zhouna 周那, Chun 淳), under the tree.
(ii) Inside the city
The new meeting hall (nava santhāgāra) of Ubbhataka, the residence (nivesana) of Cunda kammāraputta, the house of Cunda (Chuntuo 淳陀, Zhuntuo 准陀, Zhouna 周那, Chun 淳), under the tree.
(2) Parks, groves, sacred places
(i) ambavana of Cunda kammāraputta:
park of Chuntuo gongqiaozi 淳陀工巧子,
park of Chuntuo 淳陀.
(ii) Jarūkāvanasaṇḍa: Shetou anpoyuan 闍頭菴婆園, Shetouyuan 闍頭園, Chantouyuan 禅頭園, Shelujialin 折鹿迦林.
(iii) Ajakalāpaka cetiya
(ii) Jarūkāvanasaṇḍa: Shetou anpoyuan 闍頭菴婆園, Shetouyuan 闍頭園, Chantouyuan 禅頭園, Shelujialin 折鹿迦林.
(iii) Ajakalāpaka cetiya
(III) Kusinārā and its environs
(1) Cities
(i) Kusinārā, Kuśinagarī:
Goushinajieguo 拘尸那竭国, Goushinaguo 拘尸那国,
Jushinajieguo 倶尸那竭国, Juyinajieguo 倶夷那竭国, Jiuyinajieguo 鳩夷那竭国, Gouyiguo
拘夷国, Najieguo 那竭国, Goushinajiecheng 拘尸那竭城, Goushinacheng 拘尸那城,
Goushinajiecheng 拘夷那竭城, Jiushinacheng 鳩尸那城, Gouyicheng 拘夷城, Goushicheng
拘尸城, Gouyiyi 拘夷邑, Goushinajie 拘尸那竭, Jiushina 鳩尸那, Goushi 拘夷, Goushi 拘尸.
(ii) Miaotang 妙堂 inside the city: Gaolou 高楼.
(ii) Miaotang 妙堂 inside the city: Gaolou 高楼.
(2) Rivers
(i) Kakutthā nadī: Kakuṭṭhā nadī,
Kukuṭṭhā nadī, Kukustā nadī, Gousunhe
拘孫河, Gouyihe 拘遺河, Jiagoutuohe 迦拘陀河, Jiaqucuohe 迦屈蹉河, Jiaojuduohe 脚倶多河,
Jiudui 鳩対. Including: under the tree near the Kakutthā nadī, the
ambavana beside the Kakuṭṭhā nadī, under the tree between Pāpāgrāmaka
and Hiraṇyavatī nadī, on the way from Moluoguo 末羅国 towards
Goushinajieguo 拘尸那竭国, the road towards Bopoyi 波婆邑, before the
Xilianchanhe 凞連禪河, under the tree on the road, under the tree.
(ii) Hiraññavatī nadī: Hiraṇyavatī nadī, Xilianchanhe 凞連禪河, Xilainhe 熙連河, Xilianhe 希連河, Xilanrehe 醯蘭若河, Golden river, Jinhe 金河, Jinshahe 金沙河, near Xilianxishui 醯連溪水, Xilan 醯連. On the road between the Hiraṇyavatī nadī and Kuśinagarī, between Goushinajiecheng 拘夷那竭城 and Xilianhe 希連河, the road near Goushinajiecheng 拘尸那竭城.
(ii) Hiraññavatī nadī: Hiraṇyavatī nadī, Xilianchanhe 凞連禪河, Xilainhe 熙連河, Xilianhe 希連河, Xilanrehe 醯蘭若河, Golden river, Jinhe 金河, Jinshahe 金沙河, near Xilianxishui 醯連溪水, Xilan 醯連. On the road between the Hiraṇyavatī nadī and Kuśinagarī, between Goushinajiecheng 拘夷那竭城 and Xilianhe 希連河, the road near Goushinajiecheng 拘尸那竭城.
(3) Parks, groves, sacred places
(i) Upavattana: Upavartana, Shengde
生地, Ruobadan 蒻跋単. The sālavana
antarena yamakasālā of the Upavattana Mallas, the sālavana of the
Upavattana Mallas, the Upavartana yamakaśālavana of the Mallas,
antarena yamakasālā, antareṇa yamakaśālau, the Sala Grove of the
Mallas, Lishi shengde jiangu shuangshulin 力士生地堅固雙樹林, in the Suoluo
shuangshu 娑羅雙樹 beside the Xilianhece 熙連河 in the Lishi shengde 力士生地,
Lishi shengchugu shuangshulin 力士生処固雙樹林, Lishi shengde suoluolin
力士生地娑羅林, Shengde jiangu shuangshulin 生地堅固雙樹林, Benshengchu Moluo
shuangshulin 本生処末羅雙樹間, Zhuangshi shengde suoluo shuangshujian
壮士生地娑羅双樹間, Zhuangshi shengde 壮士生地, Ruobadan Lishi suoluolin 蒻跋単力士娑羅林,
Moluoyuan shaluolinjian 末羅園沙羅林間, Suoluoshuangshujian Lishi zhuchu
娑羅雙樹間力士住処, Shuangsuoluoshujian 雙娑羅樹間, Shaluoshuangsha 沙羅双樹,
Shuangshujian 双樹間, under the twin trees, yamakasāla (Yan'asha 鹽呵沙),
Sulian shuangshujian 蘇連双樹間, Lishi shengde suoluolinwai 力士生地娑羅林外,
Suoluolin 娑羅林.
(ii) Makuṭabandhana cetiya: Makuṭabandhana caitya, Tianguansi 天冠寺, Tianguansi 天観寺, Baoyuan zhidi 宝冠支提, Jiguan zhide 繋冠制底, Ouchamiao 漚荼廟, Oucha shende 漚荼神地 (Ouchade 漚荼地), Dingjie zhiyi 頂結支夷.
Including Zhoulibotandian dajiangtang 周黎波檀殿大講堂.
(iii) Baliharaṇa vanasaṇḍa
(ii) Makuṭabandhana cetiya: Makuṭabandhana caitya, Tianguansi 天冠寺, Tianguansi 天観寺, Baoyuan zhidi 宝冠支提, Jiguan zhide 繋冠制底, Ouchamiao 漚荼廟, Oucha shende 漚荼神地 (Ouchade 漚荼地), Dingjie zhiyi 頂結支夷.
Including Zhoulibotandian dajiangtang 周黎波檀殿大講堂.
(iii) Baliharaṇa vanasaṇḍa
(IV) Villages and rivers in the Malla
(1) Towns, villages
(i) Anupiyā: Ayicheng 阿夷城, Anuyijie
阿奴夷界, Anuyi 阿奴夷, Anubo 阿奴波.
Including the Anupiyā ambavana, under the trees of Anuyi 阿奴夷.
(ii) Uruvelakappa: Youloubinluo juluo 優楼頻螺聚落, Yubeiluo zhuchu 欝鞞羅住処. Including the Uruvelakappa Mahāvana, the great forest: Yingwuyanfulin 鸚鵡閻浮林 at Yubeiluo zhuchu 欝鞞羅住処, Yingwuyanwuguolin 鸚鵡閻無果林 at Youloubinluo juluo 優楼頻螺聚落.
(iii) Ātumā (Supplementary Note 5); Atouquguo 阿頭佉国, Amou juluo 阿牟聚落, Atou 阿頭.
(iv) Thūna brāhmaṇagāma
(v) Jiamaluo 迦摩羅, Jiamaluoguo 迦摩羅国.
(vi) Niuyuan juluo 牛苑聚落.
(vii) Huashiju 華氏聚.
(viii) Jiusuocun 鳩娑村.
Including the Anupiyā ambavana, under the trees of Anuyi 阿奴夷.
(ii) Uruvelakappa: Youloubinluo juluo 優楼頻螺聚落, Yubeiluo zhuchu 欝鞞羅住処. Including the Uruvelakappa Mahāvana, the great forest: Yingwuyanfulin 鸚鵡閻浮林 at Yubeiluo zhuchu 欝鞞羅住処, Yingwuyanwuguolin 鸚鵡閻無果林 at Youloubinluo juluo 優楼頻螺聚落.
(iii) Ātumā (Supplementary Note 5); Atouquguo 阿頭佉国, Amou juluo 阿牟聚落, Atou 阿頭.
(iv) Thūna brāhmaṇagāma
(v) Jiamaluo 迦摩羅, Jiamaluoguo 迦摩羅国.
(vi) Niuyuan juluo 牛苑聚落.
(vii) Huashiju 華氏聚.
(viii) Jiusuocun 鳩娑村.
Including the house of the Brahman
Fuboyodi 弗波育帝婆羅門.
(2) Parks, groves, rivers
(i) Paribbājakārāma of Bhaggavagotta:
Fanggapo fanzhi yuanguan 房伽婆梵志園観.
(ii) Anojingchu 阿耨井処.
(iii) Ayiluohe 阿夷羅河: Ayiluoruodihe 阿夷羅蒻帝河.
(ii) Anojingchu 阿耨井処.
(iii) Ayiluohe 阿夷羅河: Ayiluoruodihe 阿夷羅蒻帝河.
(I) Aṅga: Yanggaguo 鴦伽国, Yangqiguo 鴦騎国,
Yangqiguo 鴦祇国, Yangyi 鴦藝.
(II) Campā and its environs
(II) Campā and its environs
(1) City
(i) Campā: Zhanpocheng 瞻婆城,
Zhanbocheng 瞻波城, Zhanbocheng 瞻蔔城, Zhanpoguo
瞻婆国, Zhanboguo 瞻波国, Zhanboguo 瞻蔔国, Sapoguo 薩婆国, Zhanboguo 占波国, Zhanbo
(ii) Inside the city: the residence (nivesana) of the Brahman Soṇadaṇḍa.
(ii) Inside the city: the residence (nivesana) of the Brahman Soṇadaṇḍa.
(2) Rivers
(i) Gaggarā Pokkharaṇī tīra; beside
the Jiegachi 掲伽池, beside the
Jiegachi 竭伽池, beside the Gagachi 伽伽池, beside the Gagahe 伽伽河, beside the
Henggachi 恒伽池, the banks of the Henggachi 恒伽池, the banks of the
Jiedichi 竭闍池, beside the Leishengchi 雷聲池, the banks of the
Jiechengqichi 竭城祇池. Including the vihāra on the bank of the Jiegachi
(ii) Near the Hengshui 恒水. Including Gajuchi 伽渠池.
(ii) Near the Hengshui 恒水. Including Gajuchi 伽渠池.
(III) Bhaddiya and its environs
(1) City
(i) Bhaddiya: Badicheng 跋提城, Podicheng
婆提城, Badiluocheng 跋提羅城, Badiguo
(ii) Inside the city: the residence (nivesana) of Meṇḍaka.
(ii) Inside the city: the residence (nivesana) of Meṇḍaka.
(2) Groves, plains, mountains
(i) Jātiyāvana: Shengyelin 勝葉林.
Including under the trees of the
Wanglin 罔林, 網林, 網林.
(ii) Kantāra: kuangye (曠野)
(iii) Bindushan 頻闍山. Including Mantuoqinichi 漫陀耆尼池.
(ii) Kantāra: kuangye (曠野)
(iii) Bindushan 頻闍山. Including Mantuoqinichi 漫陀耆尼池.
(IV) Assapura and its environs
(1) Towns, villages
(i) Assapura nigama: Mayi 馬邑.
Including the village of Yangga 鴦伽.
(2) Vihāras
(i) Malinsi 馬林寺.
(V) Aṅguttarāpa (Supplementary
Note 6):
Sijuduoluoguo 寺瞿多羅国,
Amouduoluoguo 阿牟多羅国, Yangqiuduoluoguo 鴦求多羅国.
(VI) Aṅguttarāpa and its environs
(1) Towns
(i) Āpaṇa nigama: Amonaguo 阿摩那国,
Amonacheng 阿摩那城, Ana 阿那. Including the
Āpaṇa nigama in Aṅga.
(2) Vihāras, hermitages, meeting halls
(i) Hermitage (assama) of Keṇiya.
Including Jianruo jingshe 揵若精舎,
residence of Jianni 揵尼, garden (or green grove) of the Brahman
Chibianfa 翅編髪, the residence of the non-Buddhist Chibianfa 翅編髪.
(ii) Meeting hall
(ii) Meeting hall
(3) Groves, plains
(i) Tuopodulijialin 陀婆闍梨迦林.
(ii) aññatara vanasaṇḍa. Including the area of the green grove (nīlavanarājī), the grove, the garden f the Brahman Chibianfa 翅編髪.
(iii) Plains (kantāra): kuangye (曠野).
(ii) aññatara vanasaṇḍa. Including the area of the green grove (nīlavanarājī), the grove, the garden f the Brahman Chibianfa 翅編髪.
(iii) Plains (kantāra): kuangye (曠野).
【7】 Āḷavī The country of Āḷavī (Supplementary Note 7).
(I) Āḷavī: Aluopiguo 阿羅毘国, Kuangyeguo
曠野国, Kuangyeguojie 曠野国界,
Aluopicheng 阿羅毘城, Kuangyecheng 曠野城, Kuangyechu 曠野處, Achabiyi 阿荼髀邑,
Achapiyi 阿荼脾邑, Aluobei 阿邏鞞, Kuangye 曠野
(II) Āḷavī and its environs
(1) Vihāras, sacred places
(i) Aggāḷava cetiya: Aluopici 阿羅毘祠,
Kuangye jingshe 曠野精舎. Including
residence (bhavana) of Āḷavaka yakkha, residence of Kuangyegui 阿臈鬼, the shrine where Kuangye yecha 曠野夜叉 resides, Kuangyeguicun 曠野鬼村.
residence (bhavana) of Āḷavaka yakkha, residence of Kuangyegui 阿臈鬼, the shrine where Kuangye yecha 曠野夜叉 resides, Kuangyeguicun 曠野鬼村.
(2) Groves
(i) siṃsapāvana of Gomagga: Galuolin
伽邏林. Including Diyilin 第一林,
Kuangyelin 曠野林, residence in the Kuangyelin 曠野林.
【8】 Kuru
(I) Kuru: Gouliuguo 拘留国, Gouliushaguo
拘流沙国, Goulou 拘樓, Gouliu 拘留, Julu
倶盧, Julucheng 倶魯城.
(II) Villages in Kuru
(II) Villages in Kuru
(1) Villages
(i) Kammāsadhamma nigama: Jianmosetan
劔磨瑟曇, Jianmosetan 釼摩瑟曇, Jiemosha
劫摩沙, Diaoniu juluo 調牛聚落, Diaofuboniu juluo 調伏駁牛聚落, Zasemuniu juluo
雑色牧牛聚落, Faxingcheng 法行城, Diaofujiansewangcheng 調伏繝色王城. Including Hall
of the sacred fire (agyāgāra) of Bhāradvājagotta brāhmaṇa, aññatara
vanasaṇḍa, a grove
(ii) Thullakoṭṭhika nigama: Touluzhacun 鍮蘆吒村, Dacang juluo 大倉聚落. Including the Shishe grove 尸摂林 to the north.
(ii) Thullakoṭṭhika nigama: Touluzhacun 鍮蘆吒村, Dacang juluo 大倉聚落. Including the Shishe grove 尸摂林 to the north.
【9】 Sūrasena
(I) Sūrasena: Śūrasena, Yongjun 勇軍,
Suluopoguo 蘇羅婆国, Xulaipoguo 須頼婆国,
Yongjun juluo 勇軍聚落.
(II) Madhurā and its environs
(II) Madhurā and its environs
(1) Cities, villages
(i) Madhurā: Mathurā, Modouliangcheng
摩都量城, Motouluoguo 摩偸羅国, Moshiluo
麼土羅. Including Gundāvana, Sangaianluo shuyuan 傘蓋菴羅樹園 beside the river
Badi 跋提, the abode (bhavana) of Gardabha-yakṣa.
(ii) Verañjā (Supplementary Note 8): Pilanre 毘蘭若, Beilanre 鞞蘭若, Piluoranguo 毘羅然国, Beilandecheng 鞞蘭底城, Shoujincheng 受尽城, Gengtian poluomen juluo 耕田婆羅門聚落, Feiluo juluo 吠羅聚落. Including Naḷeru Pucimandamūla, Naḍerapicumandamūla, under the tree at Nalinluo Bangzhou mantouluo 那隣羅浜洲曼陀羅, under the tree Lianmu 練木, under the trees in the grove, Huangluyuan 黄蘆園, between Madhurā and Verañjā, the residence (nivesana) of the Brahman Verañjā, residence of the Brahman, residence of the Brahman Pilanre 毘蘭若婆羅門.
(iii) Varaṇā (Supplementary Note 9): Balannaguo 跋蘭那国, Ponakuo 婆那国. Including Kaddamadaha-tīra, beside the deep pond.
(iv) Guwang juluo 古王聚落 (Skt. Ādirājya).
(v) Xianma juluo 賢馬聚落 (Skt. Bhadrāśva). Including on the road to Motouluo 摩偸羅.
(vi) Wudaluo juluo (Skt. Otalā). Including the forest (Skt. Otalalīya-vanaṣaṇḍa), Wudaluolin 鄔達羅林.
(ii) Verañjā (Supplementary Note 8): Pilanre 毘蘭若, Beilanre 鞞蘭若, Piluoranguo 毘羅然国, Beilandecheng 鞞蘭底城, Shoujincheng 受尽城, Gengtian poluomen juluo 耕田婆羅門聚落, Feiluo juluo 吠羅聚落. Including Naḷeru Pucimandamūla, Naḍerapicumandamūla, under the tree at Nalinluo Bangzhou mantouluo 那隣羅浜洲曼陀羅, under the tree Lianmu 練木, under the trees in the grove, Huangluyuan 黄蘆園, between Madhurā and Verañjā, the residence (nivesana) of the Brahman Verañjā, residence of the Brahman, residence of the Brahman Pilanre 毘蘭若婆羅門.
(iii) Varaṇā (Supplementary Note 9): Balannaguo 跋蘭那国, Ponakuo 婆那国. Including Kaddamadaha-tīra, beside the deep pond.
(iv) Guwang juluo 古王聚落 (Skt. Ādirājya).
(v) Xianma juluo 賢馬聚落 (Skt. Bhadrāśva). Including on the road to Motouluo 摩偸羅.
(vi) Wudaluo juluo (Skt. Otalā). Including the forest (Skt. Otalalīya-vanaṣaṇḍa), Wudaluolin 鄔達羅林.
【10】 Ceti
(I) Ceti: Cetiya, Shidiguo 支提国,
Shituoguo 支陀国, Qidi 枝提, Shidi 支提.
(II) Ceti and its regions
(II) Ceti and its regions
(1) Villages and cities
(i) Pārileyyaka: Boluo juluo 波羅聚落.
Including Bhaddasālamūla of
Rakkhitavanasaṇḍa, under the Batuo 跋陀 sala tree in the Rensuoshouhulin
人所守護林, Husilin 護寺林, Bhaddasālamūla, Batuo poluolin 跋陀婆羅林, under the
Batuo poluo 跋陀婆羅 trees, Xiansuoluoshu 賢娑羅樹.
(ii) Bhaddavatikā: Batuoluppodiyi 跋陀羅婆提邑, Batuoyueyi 跋陀越邑.
(iii) Sahañcanika.
(iv) Sahajāti.
(ii) Bhaddavatikā: Batuoluppodiyi 跋陀羅婆提邑, Batuoyueyi 跋陀越邑.
(iii) Sahañcanika.
(iv) Sahajāti.
(2) Parks, groves, vihāras
(i) Pācīnavaṃsadāya: Bannamandusilin
般那曼闍寺林. Including Shuizhulin 水渚林.
(ii) Zhuyuan jingshe 竹園精舎.
(ii) Zhuyuan jingshe 竹園精舎.
【11】 Pañcāla
(I) Pañcāla: Bansheluo 般闍羅, Panzheluo
般遮羅, Pansheluoguo 般闍羅国,
Pansheluoguo 般舎羅国, Bansheguo 半闍国.
(II) Pañcāla and its cities
(II) Pañcāla and its cities
(1) Cities
(i) Saṅkassa, Sengjiashi 僧迦尸
(Supplementary Note 10): Sengjiashecheng
僧迦舎城, Sengjiashiguo 僧迦尸国, Senggashiguo 僧伽尸国. Including under the
Youtanbo 優曇鉢 tree, beside the great pond.
(ii) Ayojjhyā: Ayodhyā, Apituochu 阿毘陀処, Wuyushe 阿踰闍, Wunengdicheng 無能敵城, Wunengdiguo 無能敵国. Including Gaṅgā-nadī tīra, beside the Ganges (Huanhe 洹河, Huanshui 洹水, Jianggahe 弶伽河), beside the river.
(iii) Xiangcheng 象城 (Skt. Hastināpura).
(iv) Dacheng 大城.
(ii) Ayojjhyā: Ayodhyā, Apituochu 阿毘陀処, Wuyushe 阿踰闍, Wunengdicheng 無能敵城, Wunengdiguo 無能敵国. Including Gaṅgā-nadī tīra, beside the Ganges (Huanhe 洹河, Huanshui 洹水, Jianggahe 弶伽河), beside the river.
(iii) Xiangcheng 象城 (Skt. Hastināpura).
(iv) Dacheng 大城.
【12】 Avanti
(I) Avanti: Apandiguo 阿槃提国, Apantiguo
(II) The cities of Avanti
(II) The cities of Avanti
(1) Cities
(i) Ujjenī: Yuchannicheng 鬱禅尼城,
Yuchancheng 優禅城, Yuchanguo 優禅国,
Yusheniguo 優闍尼国, Weichanguo 尉禅国, Shiniguo 逝尼国.
(ii) Kuraraghara. Including Pavatta pabbata (Papāta pabbata).
(iii) Makkarakata: Jihoushi juluo 朞猴史聚落. Including araññakuṭikā, the cave.
(iv) Veḷukaṇṭaka
【13】 Ch. Sumoguo 蘇摩国 (Supplementary Note 11)(ii) Kuraraghara. Including Pavatta pabbata (Papāta pabbata).
(iii) Makkarakata: Jihoushi juluo 朞猴史聚落. Including araññakuṭikā, the cave.
(iv) Veḷukaṇṭaka
(I) Sumoguo: Xiumoguo 修摩国, Chumoguo
芻摩国, Sumo 蘇彌, Sunpo 孫婆.
(II) Various regions in Sumoguo.
(II) Various regions in Sumoguo.
(1) Cities and villages
(i) Badicheng 跋提城. Shengyelin 勝葉林
north of the city.
(ii) Baitu juluo 白土聚落.
(ii) Baitu juluo 白土聚落.
【14】 Assaka and Bharu
(I) The region between Assaka and Aḷaka.
(1) River
(i) Godhāvarī
(II) Bharu
(1) Port
(i) Bhārukaccha (Supplementary
Note 12)
【15】 Gandhāra and surrounding areas (Pokkharavatī and Sāgala)
(I) Gandhāra and environs
(1) City
(i) Fujialuoguo 弗迦羅国. Including the
village of Fujialuo 弗迦羅.
(II) Sāgala and environs
(1) City
(i) Sāgala (Supplementary Note
(2) Mountain
(i) Saṅkheyyaka pabbata
【16】 Uttarāpatha (the Northern Road) Route for religious itinerants
(I) The Uttarāpatha route
Route 1
(i) Sulujiequncheng 素魯掲群城 (Skt.
(ii) The Brahman village
(iii) Jialuocheng 迦羅城.
(ii) The Brahman village
(iii) Jialuocheng 迦羅城.
Route 2
(i) Luxido cheng 盧醯得城 (Skt. Rohitaka):
Luxidejiacheng 盧醯徳迦城.
(ii) Jiji juluo 積集聚落.
(iii) Nidelejia juluo 泥徳勒迦聚落.
(iv) Near the river Shendu 信度河.
(v) Abode of the xianren 仙人 (Skt. Riṣgrāma vihāra?)
(vi) Aboluo longwanggong 阿鉢羅竜王宮 (Skt. bhavana of Apalāla, bhuvana of Apalāla-nāgarāja): Wudaiyu longwanggong 無稲芋竜王宮.
(vii) Zulu juluo 足爐聚落 (Skt. Bhraṣṭā)
(viii) Jiantuo juluo 揵陀聚落 (Skt. Kanthā)
(ix) Daogu lougecheng 稲穀楼閣城 (Skt. Dhānyapura)
(x) Nailiyiduocheng 乃理逸多城 (Skt. Naitarī)
(xi) Lushacheng 緑莎城 (Skt. Íādvalā)
(xii) Hujicheng 護積城 (Skt. Pālitakoṭa)
(xiii) Zengxicheng 増喜城 (Skt. Nandavardhana)
(xiv) Jundecheng 軍底城 (Skt. Kuntīnagara)
(xv) Keshuluo juluo 渇樹羅聚落 (Skt. Kharjūrikā)
(ii) Jiji juluo 積集聚落.
(iii) Nidelejia juluo 泥徳勒迦聚落.
(iv) Near the river Shendu 信度河.
(v) Abode of the xianren 仙人 (Skt. Riṣgrāma vihāra?)
(vi) Aboluo longwanggong 阿鉢羅竜王宮 (Skt. bhavana of Apalāla, bhuvana of Apalāla-nāgarāja): Wudaiyu longwanggong 無稲芋竜王宮.
(vii) Zulu juluo 足爐聚落 (Skt. Bhraṣṭā)
(viii) Jiantuo juluo 揵陀聚落 (Skt. Kanthā)
(ix) Daogu lougecheng 稲穀楼閣城 (Skt. Dhānyapura)
(x) Nailiyiduocheng 乃理逸多城 (Skt. Naitarī)
(xi) Lushacheng 緑莎城 (Skt. Íādvalā)
(xii) Hujicheng 護積城 (Skt. Pālitakoṭa)
(xiii) Zengxicheng 増喜城 (Skt. Nandavardhana)
(xiv) Jundecheng 軍底城 (Skt. Kuntīnagara)
(xv) Keshuluo juluo 渇樹羅聚落 (Skt. Kharjūrikā)
【17】 Kajaṅgalā and Puṇṇavadhana (Ch. Manfucheng)
(I) Kajaṅgalā
(1) Towns
(i) Kajaṅgalā: Jiaweijialuo 迦微迦羅,
Galangpoluo juluo 伽郎婆羅聚落. Including
Mukheluvana, veḷuvana, Moujenlintuolin 牟真隣陀林.
(II) Puṇṇavaddhana
(1) City
(i) Manfucheng 満富城 (Skt. Puṇḍavardhana)
【18】 Himavant
(I) Himavant, Mountains of snow:
Xueshan 雪山.
(1) Mountain
(i) Xiangshan 香山 (Gandhamādana-pabbata)
(2) River
(i) Anoudaquan 阿耨達泉 (Anotatta)
【19】 Places whose location is unverified(I)
(i) Luyecheng 鹿野城.
(1)Routes for religious itinerants
(i) Tongchangcheng 童長城 (Skt.
(ii) Xiangshengcheng 象声城 (Skt. Krauñcāna)
(iii) Eganojiacheng (頞伽儞迦城 Skt. Aṅgadikā)
(iv) Shibaocheng 施宝城 (Skt. Maṇivatī)
(v) Suoluolishu 娑羅力樹 (Skt. Sālabalā)
(6) Jinshengcheng 金升城 (Skt. Suvarṇaprastha)
(7) Zilaicheng 自来城 (Skt. Sāketa)
(ii) Xiangshengcheng 象声城 (Skt. Krauñcāna)
(iii) Eganojiacheng (頞伽儞迦城 Skt. Aṅgadikā)
(iv) Shibaocheng 施宝城 (Skt. Maṇivatī)
(v) Suoluolishu 娑羅力樹 (Skt. Sālabalā)
(6) Jinshengcheng 金升城 (Skt. Suvarṇaprastha)
(7) Zilaicheng 自来城 (Skt. Sāketa)
【Supplement 1. 】Magadha
(I) Various regions
(1) Village
(i) Pāṭalī: Boluolipiguo 波羅梨毘国
(Supplementary Note 14). Including
Ajakalāpaka cetiya.
(2) Mountain
(i) Mojiuluoshan 摩鳩羅山: Mojuluoshan
摩倶羅山, the White Mountain, Baishan
白山. Including Mogouluoshan 摩拘羅山.
【Supplement 2. 】Kosala(I) Subha (Supplementary Note 15)
(1) Town
(i) Setaka nigama: Sedaka nigama,
Sigatuo juluo 私伽陀聚落, Sijiade juluo
斯迦底聚落. Including Shenshulin 身恕林, Shengshebolin 勝摂波林.
【Supplementary Notes】
【SN 1】 Videha
【SN 2】 Koliya
【SN 3】 Bhagga
【SN 4】 Zhounachiluoguo 周那絺羅国.
【SN 5】 Ātumā
【SN 6】 Aṅguttarāpa
【SN 7】 Āḷavī
【SN 8】 Verañjā
【SN 9】 Varaṇā
【SN 10】 Saṅkassa
【SN 11】 Sumoguo 蘇摩国.
【SN 12】 Bhārukaccha
【SN 13】 Sāgala
【SN 14】 Boluolipiguo 波羅梨毘国.
【SN 15】 Sumbha
【SN 2】 Koliya
【SN 3】 Bhagga
【SN 4】 Zhounachiluoguo 周那絺羅国.
【SN 5】 Ātumā
【SN 6】 Aṅguttarāpa
【SN 7】 Āḷavī
【SN 8】 Verañjā
【SN 9】 Varaṇā
【SN 10】 Saṅkassa
【SN 11】 Sumoguo 蘇摩国.
【SN 12】 Bhārukaccha
【SN 13】 Sāgala
【SN 14】 Boluolipiguo 波羅梨毘国.
【SN 15】 Sumbha
Appendix 1: Table: The Sixteen Larger
Appendix 2: Source material for the Sixteen Larger Countries
Appendix 3: Map of places where the Buddha lived and taught according to the early Buddhist scriptural sources
Appendix 2: Source material for the Sixteen Larger Countries
Appendix 3: Map of places where the Buddha lived and taught according to the early Buddhist scriptural sources
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Vajji, Sakya, Vaṃsa, Kāsi, Malla, Aṅga, Kuru, Sūrasena, Ceti, Pañcāla, Avanti, Assaka, Bharu, Gandhāra, Uttarāpatha (Northern Route), Kajaṅgalā, Manfucheng 満富城 (Puṇṇavaddhana), Himavant, Videha, Koliya, Bhagga, Ātumā, Aṅguttarāpa, Āḷavī, Verañjā, Varaṇā, Saṅkassa, Bhārukaccha, Sāgala, Sumbha, Sumoguo 蘇摩国, Boluolipiguo 波羅梨毘国, Zhounachilupguo 周那絺羅国 |

This collection of sources includes materials from the Sutra Piṭaka and
Vinaya Piṭaka related to the major countries outside Magadha and
Kosala. The details are outlined in the Content. The form of the Table
follows the style of those in the previous collections of source
materials (2-1. Locations of Places Associated with the Buddha's
Residence and Preaching in the Early Buddhist Scriptural Sources.
Source material Part 1: Magadha; Part 2-1: Jetavana-Anāthapiṇḍikārāma
[Sutta-piṭaka]; Part 2-2: Jetavana Anāthapiṇḍikārāma [Vinaya Piṭaka];
Part 3: Kosala). Since when editing the present selection we adopted
some particular standards, explanatory notes have been provided.
Explanatory Notes
For the Table, we have proceeded on the basis of classifying the places associated with the Buddha's dwelling or preaching into "countries," represented in terms of the "Sixteen Larger Countries" that appear in the scriptural sources. Since this collection follows on from previous collections comprising Magadha, Jetavana-Anāthapiṇḍikārāma in the Sutta-piṭaka, Jetavana Anāthapiṇḍikārāma in the Vinaya Piṭaka and Kosala, the Table sets out the early Buddhist scriptural sources dealing with places associated with the Buddha other than Magadha and Kosala.
However, as is apparent in Article 15, "Janapada and Raṭṭha in the Pāli Buddhist Scriptures" that appears in Monograph 13, it is fair to say that in India at the time of the early scripures there was no concept of a "country" (i.e. raṭṭha) that was distinguished from others in terms of jurisdiction. "Country" was rather based on the concept of janapada, an ill-defined cultural area made up of regional and blood ties. As a result, the location of borders between the "countries" was vague. It is not clear, for example, if any two countries were independent of each other or if they overlapped. Thus it is difficult when the expression "other countries" is used to decide how to itemize them.
We have reached the following conclusions about the use of the word "country":
(1) We use the term "country" to refer to the "sixteen larger countries."
(2) The term "country" also includes geographical-political units such as gāmas (villages), nigamas (market towns), nagaras (cities) and raṭṭhas (territories, kingdoms), that express the multiplicity of the territorial units in the janapada, and
(3) Countries that are referred to as raṭṭha in the commentatorial literature.
There are many traditions concerning the makeup of the "sixteen larger countries", and it is impossible to arrive at a uniform list of them. Thus, here we treat as a "country"
(4) those "larger countries" identified by the various traditions as belonging to the group of sixteen. The literature associated with these traditions is listed in the Table in Appendix 1 and the list of source material in Appendix 2. These have been compiled and arranged by KANEKO Yoshio.
(5) Places which are only referred to as vague regions or directions and do not specify a country are treated separately.
Based on these criteria, fifteen countries (sixteen if Assaka and Bharu are counted separately) have been designated as "other countries," as seen in the Contents of this article. Thus when we add Magadha and Kosala, already studied, we have a total of seventeen countries in the Table. Since these include countries where the disciples were active and where the Buddha never went (sutras listed in the Table marked by an asterisk are those in which Sakyamuni does not appear), if we eliminated them and listed only those countries in which the Buddha set foot, we would have fifteen. These are numbers 1-13 in the Index, plus Magadha and Kosala. However Avanti (No. 12) appears only in one source, the Sarvāstivādin Shisong lü (Vinaya in Ten Recitations, T 1435), which cannot be considered historical fact.
According to the above criteria, we could easily exceed the number sixteen for the total number of countries. The fact that we have not done so is because while other countries exist, they are not mentioned in the sources as being places where the Buddha dwelled or preached.
The fifteen countries listed here appear according to the number of times they are mentioned in the sources.
One question we had to rack our brains over was how to deal with the names of places whose location and size were vague, and with the significant number of cases where we could not easily identify the Pali and the Chinese names. We therefore divided the work among assistants and had them examine the material and research how it should be dealt with. For example, should we organize the places as individual "countries" or as "cities" or "villages" belonging to one of the countries? If we decided it was a "country", whereabouts was it, and what was its scale, and if we thought of it as being a subject state to another country, what country would that have been?
In the Table, we find in Item I "Vajji", the name of the country of Videha included. This may seem on first glance rather strange. Videha was of sufficient size to be called a "country", but as a result of the above-mentioned examination of the material we decided to deal with it as part of Vajji. The same applies to Sakya and Koliya in Item 2, and Vaṃsa and Bhagga in Item 3.
This collection of source material has been edited according to the results of such investigations, and we have published our reasons for the decisions we have taken in supplementary notes at the end of the volume. The author names are those of our research assistants. This report takes the form of an article, but because specific problems could not be resolved, as mentioned above, I have to say that the results are self-limiting in terms of my intentions. In the descriptions there are cases where we find details like "the capital of the country of Surasena is Mathurā", but in fact there is no mention of such a country or capital in the early Buddhist scriptural sources; these placenames only appear in later literature. As I have already mentioned, the early sources have hardly any sense of the concept of raṭṭha, and so there was no concept of "capital" either. We have had to use this kind of information because for the purposes of this collection of sources it was necessary for us to organize cities and villages according to the country they were part of.
Places that had previously remained obscure have now been subjected to concentrated scrutiny, with the result that some places have been identified that should have been included in the previously pubished articles on Magadha and Kosala. As I wrote in the Introduction, we considered publishing in this collection a further volume of notes and corrections and so finalize it, but rather than simply adding notes and corrections we added special Appendices for Magadha and Kosala based on the results of our further investigations. This has resulted in a strange organization that includes Magadha and Kosala among the "other countries", but the circumstances described determined this course.
Despite the efforts that have been made, there are places still remaining whose size and location are unknown. These have been classified as "places whose location is unverified."
A map has been included as Appendix 3. It shows the countries mentioned in the Table and their main cities. It was made by members of this study group.
Finally I would like to mention that this collection is the fourth in the series tracing places associated with the activities of the Buddha. We have included Introductory Notes to be used with all four. They have been compiled based on examples of customary usage employed throughout and is published as a separate item below. A few items particular to the present collection have been added.
Explanatory Notes
For the Table, we have proceeded on the basis of classifying the places associated with the Buddha's dwelling or preaching into "countries," represented in terms of the "Sixteen Larger Countries" that appear in the scriptural sources. Since this collection follows on from previous collections comprising Magadha, Jetavana-Anāthapiṇḍikārāma in the Sutta-piṭaka, Jetavana Anāthapiṇḍikārāma in the Vinaya Piṭaka and Kosala, the Table sets out the early Buddhist scriptural sources dealing with places associated with the Buddha other than Magadha and Kosala.
However, as is apparent in Article 15, "Janapada and Raṭṭha in the Pāli Buddhist Scriptures" that appears in Monograph 13, it is fair to say that in India at the time of the early scripures there was no concept of a "country" (i.e. raṭṭha) that was distinguished from others in terms of jurisdiction. "Country" was rather based on the concept of janapada, an ill-defined cultural area made up of regional and blood ties. As a result, the location of borders between the "countries" was vague. It is not clear, for example, if any two countries were independent of each other or if they overlapped. Thus it is difficult when the expression "other countries" is used to decide how to itemize them.
We have reached the following conclusions about the use of the word "country":
(1) We use the term "country" to refer to the "sixteen larger countries."
(2) The term "country" also includes geographical-political units such as gāmas (villages), nigamas (market towns), nagaras (cities) and raṭṭhas (territories, kingdoms), that express the multiplicity of the territorial units in the janapada, and
(3) Countries that are referred to as raṭṭha in the commentatorial literature.
There are many traditions concerning the makeup of the "sixteen larger countries", and it is impossible to arrive at a uniform list of them. Thus, here we treat as a "country"
(4) those "larger countries" identified by the various traditions as belonging to the group of sixteen. The literature associated with these traditions is listed in the Table in Appendix 1 and the list of source material in Appendix 2. These have been compiled and arranged by KANEKO Yoshio.
(5) Places which are only referred to as vague regions or directions and do not specify a country are treated separately.
Based on these criteria, fifteen countries (sixteen if Assaka and Bharu are counted separately) have been designated as "other countries," as seen in the Contents of this article. Thus when we add Magadha and Kosala, already studied, we have a total of seventeen countries in the Table. Since these include countries where the disciples were active and where the Buddha never went (sutras listed in the Table marked by an asterisk are those in which Sakyamuni does not appear), if we eliminated them and listed only those countries in which the Buddha set foot, we would have fifteen. These are numbers 1-13 in the Index, plus Magadha and Kosala. However Avanti (No. 12) appears only in one source, the Sarvāstivādin Shisong lü (Vinaya in Ten Recitations, T 1435), which cannot be considered historical fact.
According to the above criteria, we could easily exceed the number sixteen for the total number of countries. The fact that we have not done so is because while other countries exist, they are not mentioned in the sources as being places where the Buddha dwelled or preached.
The fifteen countries listed here appear according to the number of times they are mentioned in the sources.
One question we had to rack our brains over was how to deal with the names of places whose location and size were vague, and with the significant number of cases where we could not easily identify the Pali and the Chinese names. We therefore divided the work among assistants and had them examine the material and research how it should be dealt with. For example, should we organize the places as individual "countries" or as "cities" or "villages" belonging to one of the countries? If we decided it was a "country", whereabouts was it, and what was its scale, and if we thought of it as being a subject state to another country, what country would that have been?
In the Table, we find in Item I "Vajji", the name of the country of Videha included. This may seem on first glance rather strange. Videha was of sufficient size to be called a "country", but as a result of the above-mentioned examination of the material we decided to deal with it as part of Vajji. The same applies to Sakya and Koliya in Item 2, and Vaṃsa and Bhagga in Item 3.
This collection of source material has been edited according to the results of such investigations, and we have published our reasons for the decisions we have taken in supplementary notes at the end of the volume. The author names are those of our research assistants. This report takes the form of an article, but because specific problems could not be resolved, as mentioned above, I have to say that the results are self-limiting in terms of my intentions. In the descriptions there are cases where we find details like "the capital of the country of Surasena is Mathurā", but in fact there is no mention of such a country or capital in the early Buddhist scriptural sources; these placenames only appear in later literature. As I have already mentioned, the early sources have hardly any sense of the concept of raṭṭha, and so there was no concept of "capital" either. We have had to use this kind of information because for the purposes of this collection of sources it was necessary for us to organize cities and villages according to the country they were part of.
Places that had previously remained obscure have now been subjected to concentrated scrutiny, with the result that some places have been identified that should have been included in the previously pubished articles on Magadha and Kosala. As I wrote in the Introduction, we considered publishing in this collection a further volume of notes and corrections and so finalize it, but rather than simply adding notes and corrections we added special Appendices for Magadha and Kosala based on the results of our further investigations. This has resulted in a strange organization that includes Magadha and Kosala among the "other countries", but the circumstances described determined this course.
Despite the efforts that have been made, there are places still remaining whose size and location are unknown. These have been classified as "places whose location is unverified."
A map has been included as Appendix 3. It shows the countries mentioned in the Table and their main cities. It was made by members of this study group.
Finally I would like to mention that this collection is the fourth in the series tracing places associated with the activities of the Buddha. We have included Introductory Notes to be used with all four. They have been compiled based on examples of customary usage employed throughout and is published as a separate item below. A few items particular to the present collection have been added.